Building Bridges 2024

Building Bridges is "the place to be" for sustainable finance. Don't miss this 5th edition!

CICG - Genève

Rue de Varembé 17

Du Lundi 9 Décembre 2024 12:00
au Jeudi 12 Décembre 2024 18:00

Building Bridges 2024 will take place on December 9-12 at the CICG in Geneva. This fith edition will create a vibrant space where cross-sector collaboration will help drive the alignment of capital flows with global sustainability goals. Over four days, we will delve into transformative discussions, engage in strategic networking and showcase financial innovations shaping the global financial system —with Switzerland and Geneva at the forefront.

The Summit, held on Monday, 9 December, serves as the marquee event to kick off the week, featuring an impressive line-up of speakers. The Action Days, from 10 to 12 December, feature unmissable High-Level Plenaries, bringing participants together at key moments, complemented by a compelling programme of crowd-sourced events.


Mobilising Private Capital to tackle Climate Change

Don't miss the joint event of Swissbanking, AMAS and the Geneva Financial Center on December 11, 2024, 10:00 - 11:30. With the expert collaboration of the World Bank Group, the Inter-American Development Bank, and SIFEM, this workshop aims to discuss these hurdles and solutions with involved stakeholders.

Organisé par :

Building Bridges Foundation
Plan d'accès

CICG - Genève

Rue de Varembé 17