Paris Aligned Finance Flows: Data and Standards

Workshop on the key role of ISSB and NZDPU in allowing a tangible application of the Paris Agreement

Centre International de Conférences - CICG Genève

Rue de Varembé 17, 1202 Genève

Mardi 3 Octobre 2023
13:30 - 15:00

The Paris Agreement requires financial flows to follow a pathway towards low GHG emissions. To implement this, how can data and standards accelerate the climate transition in the financial sector? Answers will be provided through an immersive role-playing game. Take part and bring your own expertise to the table!

Article 2.1(c) of Paris Agreement requires financial flows to follow a pathway towards low GHG emissions. To implement this, standards and data are needed. ISSB and NZDPU aim at responding to this challenge in a close future. We question how it can accelerate the climate transition in the financial sector.

This workshop will allow participants to discuss a case study. Each group will represent a key stakeholder perspective and will address the question under the point of view of this stakeholder. A team leader will orientate the debates. Team leaders will then be sharing on stage their view in an open discussion moderated by Olivia Kinghorst

This event is part of the Building Bridges Action Days, which comprise a crowd-sourced program of over 65 events planned by the Building Bridges Community in a range of formats that stimulate deeper levels of dialogue and collaboration including : panel discussions, fishbowl conversations, workshops, and research presentation.

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Organisé par :
Plan d'accès

Centre International de Conférences - CICG Genève

Rue de Varembé 17, 1202 Genève

Programme détaillé
Welcome word

Denis Pitttet, President of the Geneva Financial Center

Presentation of art. 2.1 (c) of the Paris Agreement

August Benz, Deputy CEO, Swiss Bankers Association

Keynote speech

Oliver Marchand, Global Head of Climate Research at MSCI Inc

Breakout sessions

Each group will represent a key stakeholder perspective and will resolve a case staudy under the point of view of this stakeholder.

Participants will be coached by the following experts:

  • Public authorities: Gabriela Blater, Principal Policy Advisor for International Environment Finance at the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment
  • Financial institutions: Jann Ewerhart, Senior ESG Project Lead at Pictet, responsible for driving the Pictet Group’s strategic Responsible Vision Programme.
  • Real economy: Quentin Piat, Head of Risk, Control & Audit at LEM.
  • NGO: Stephan Kellenberger, Deputy Head of Sustainable Finance at WWF Switzerland
  • Data providers: Oliver Marchand, Global Head of Climate Research at MSCI Inc
  • Asset owners: Hans-Ruedi Mosberger, Head of Asset Management and Sustainable Finance, Swiss Bankers Association
Outcome discussion
Closing word

Adrian Schatzmann, CEO Asset Management Association Switzerland