BSCC Business luncheon with Anthony Browne, CEO of the British Bankers' Association

Swiss finish or British gold plating ? Fundamentally important to Geneva’s economy, the banking sector has been the focus of particular attention for the past few years

Hotel Warwick
Rue de Lausanne 14
1201 Genève

Mardi 1 Mars 2016
11:45 - 14:00

“Swiss finish or British Gold Plating?”
Fundamentally important to Geneva’s economy, the banking sector has been the focus of particular
attention for the past few years for good reason.
Commercial, financial and personal relationships between Geneva-based banks and those in Britain
are deep and long. London and Geneva are very close indeed: what happens in one financial centre
affects the other.
So the visit to Geneva of Anthony Browne, leader of Britain’s pre-eminent industry association for
the banking sector, is both welcome and timely.
He will bring us right up to date with the UK’s experiences so far including the nature of balance in
the UK’s current regulatory agenda, the prospects for an internationally, harmonised approach, a
new settlement for banks which are internationally active and the role of proportionality.
Whether you are directly involved in the banking and financial services sector or just an interested
observer, this is an important occasion at the Geneva Chapter and one that you cannot afford to

Organisé par :

British Swiss Chamber of Commerce
Plan d'accès

Hotel Warwick

Rue de Lausanne 14

1201 Genève