Building Bridges 2023

This international event aims to create synergies, support new initiatives, and make finance a key catalyst for change. It will host 65+ transformative discussions that will shape the global sustainable finance agenda.

Centre International de Conférences - CICG Genève

Rue de Varembé 17, 1202 Genève

From Monday 2 October 2023 12:00
to Thursday 5 October 2023 18:00

Building Bridges 2023 will take place on October 2-5 at the CICG in Geneva and host transformative discussions that will shape the global sustainable finance agenda. Join this ground-breaking conference to accelerate the transition of our economic model and connect with 2000+ actors from the finance industry, the corporate sector, the sustainable development community, and young entrepreneurs.

Building Bridges’ 4th edition will open with a High-level Summit that will explore the interdependence of human, social, natural, climate and financial capital with prominent thought leaders.

The Summit will be followed by 3 Action Days that will address the latest trends in sustainable finance, and dive into the investment opportunities and challenges generated by climate change, nature loss, technology, and emerging markets.

The Building Bridges Village will provide unique opportunities to network with key figures of the industry and like-minded institutions that wish to contribute to a fairer and just transition.

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Organized by:

Building Bridges is a collaborative effort that aims to advance sustainable finance in Switzerland and around the globe.
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Centre International de Conférences - CICG Genève

Rue de Varembé 17, 1202 Genève