Interest rates and foreign exchange interventions: Achieving price stability in challenging times

Public conference with Martin Schlegel, Vice Chairman of the Governing Board, Swiss National Bank

Maison de la paix (Geneva Graduate Institute), 2 chemin Eugène Rigot, 1202 Genève Auditorium Ivan Pictet A1B

Mardi 9 Avril 2024
18:30 - 19:30

Public conference with Martin Schlegel, Vice Chairman of the Governing Board, Swiss National Bank

No registration needed

Entrance free

Organisé par :

CIMB-ICMB Centre International d'Etudes Monétaires et Bancaires
Plan d'accès

Maison de la paix (Geneva Graduate Institute), 2 chemin Eugène Rigot, 1202 Genève Auditorium Ivan Pictet A1B